Monday, 22 November 2010

will it snow?

with the festive season nearly upon us, there is a count down on Ebay if you forget!!
I have been busy stitching new decorations and delights.

A busy week ahead, stitching (when I can) for 2 fairs this weekend, planning some teaching and putting together a stitching workshop next week. Busy bee, thats me. Which reminds me, a lovely bee keeper has asked me to make her a bee brooch. I will add this to the list :-)

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I love these little button fella's bellow. A reindeer has been haunting me for best part of 30 years! When I was at 'Middle' school there was a book I remember borrowing from the library over and over again. A book on felt toys, sigh. It was in the days before the internet and our local craft shop didn't sell felt (I know!) so I would just dream of making the red and white reindeer. A couple of years ago, I found this said book on ebay and hey bingo, made my own variation of the deer. The original is very fiddly and uses wire to keep the legs strong - I haven't got time for wire!
Then Mr P. Olar bear came along to join Mrs R. Eindeer and their journey begins.....

So I am packing my delights and egg boxes for a Fair Trade Coffee Morning at St.James's Church in New Bradwell on Saturday 10.30-12.30 and then hot footing it to MaKe at the Madcap Theatre in Wolverton on Sunday 10-5
Might see you there, hope so!

1 comment:

  1. ou, like ur blog ! :D
    is very very very cute !
    notes are very interesting ;**

    if you want follow me and write comment ;*
